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Saturday, December 7, 2013

Frankenstein Art Dolls

Frankenstein Art Dolls
The head is a upper arm, body
is a head attached to some leftover legs!

What to do with all
 those body parts?

Just when I thought I had used up all my creative juices after getting ready for several art exhibits,  I turned around and surprised myself.  I had been working for months on One of a Kind pieces.  Pouring everything I had it to my art work.  When I was done I felt, empty.  Not empty like I had nothing left empty. More sad and lonely because my work was done.  I had nothing left to work on unless I wanted to start new pieces. 

The head is a body are bodies. 
Ideal Hands!

To fill the void and to keep my hands busy I pulled out the box. All soft sculpture artist have this box.  The box with left over bits and pieces.  In the box are dozens of heads, hands, feet and ears. discarded bodies, shoes, arms, legs.  When every I make anything I always make extra parts.  It is easier to exchange extra long arms with short ones, bird feet with human feet and such when the parts and pieces are already made.  It gives me the ability to work on the fly without going back to the drawing board.  When I am done with my creation the extra pieces to in the box.  Why?  I just can't seem to throw good sculpture pieces out.

Left over head on a left over head
with feet attached.
Are the Devils Play Things.

I set the challenge,  I was going to make as many creatures from all these excess body parts as time allowed.  I had a blast.  Thighs became heads, Crowns became hands, heads were used as bodies.  I called these my Frankenstein Dolls because they were made out of so many body parts. 
  ( I made a story up about this one....I decided she was a School teacher with a Hatchet.  She never talked about her hatchet, she never mentioned her hatchet to the children.  She never used the hatchet, she would only walk around the room while teaching with the hatchet in her hands. When she told the children to sit down they sat down, When she said turn your book to page 36, they all did so.  Know one punched there neighbor, talked out of turn or kicked the child in front of them. Know one in the classroom bullied another and the story goes.)  

Ideal hands are the Devils Play things. That is why my Frankenstein Dolls were invented.....and the stories that go with them.

I had a blast making them, not thought process, no planning no puzzlement.  I just put body parts together and ran with it......I see more Frankenstein Dolls in my future.

I plan on making a One Eye Purple People Eater next.

To the right is a creature from I do not know, but the hat is an ear, the head is made from two heads the body is a head and the crazy long claw was once part of a crown.  Pretty in paint now is a purple something that is adorably funny.