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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Teacher Feature - Cody Goodin

Photography & The Magic
With: Cody Goodin

Artistic Figures in Cloth & Clay
Columbus, Ohio  * April 20-23, 2017

    Is your artwork photo ready for publications?
Do you think that you need a complex studio and lighting to take high quality photos?
     Cody Goodin is ready to teach you all the Magic! Learn to take great photograph using your own digital cameras and smart phones.
Techniques you need. Get your art work in print.

What is the best lighting when taking a picture to feature the art work?
Having outstanding pictures is the key to publication.

How to add curiosity to a photo
A great photo shoot can get you into galleries

Add Drama to a picture. Turn your art work into Photograph Artwork.

How to set up a photo shot with minimum expense.

Learn more about Cody and his Classes

Lighting is everything and so easy to do if you know how.

And as a special feature:
If time permits in class learn how creatively alter your work by digital manipulation:

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Teacher Feature - Natalie Hamade

Natalie Hamade
Making the Past New Again!

Due to Natalie's  great response on her
1 day class on Friday April 21, 2017
We have made a booking change!

SweeT Pea

It is now being offered on 
Saturday April 22, 2017 also.

Artistic Figures In Cloth & Clay
Columbus, Ohio
April 20-23, 2017

Natalie Hamade, has taken the premise of the old rag doll and made it a all new delight.  Her use of color, artwork and added features such as custom glass eyes turned this one day class into such a hit we are offering it an additional day!

Learn More about Natalie and what this class has to offer at

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Teacher Feature - Kristin Morris

Learn to Sculpt with:

Professional Award Winning Artist
Kristin Morris

Artistic Figures in Cloth & Clay ( AFICC )
Columbus, Ohio
April 20-23, 2017

2 day class - Nut Cracker Makeover

Kristin Morris has been featured in many Gallery setting in Ohio.
She is a professional Artist and creates all her own designs. 

I have taken classes from Kristin several times.
She is a wonderful teacher and a great source of knowledge and inspiration
2 Day Class

The class gives you a base to work with (The Nut Cracker) so you can take the time to learn the more important basics, like form, texturing, painting, adding detailing.

That is just a little too intence for you?  Then jump in and enjoy the day with her on Sunday

Peter Rabbit
Learn to use Apoxie - Sculpting, Texturing, Painting on a smaller scale.

Learn more about this fabulous artist and her class

Teacher Feature: Debra Klopp

Here are some of the
Cloth art classes offered this year at
Artistic Figures in Cloth & Clay
April 20-23, 2017
Columbus, Ohio 43204

Debra Klopp is back with her awesome talent and  wacky humor.  Enjoy spending a day with Debra. Allow her to be your guide. You become the creator. Debra will steer you through her process and help you create your own characters.

See full 3 pages of this 1 day class at

Start with drawings of  your art move on fabric. Learn basic painting and then shading while making your own design!  It isn't magic it is just a matter of stepping outside the box and seeing what you can do when you let yourself go!


Debra does not teach often, so don't miss your chance to take a class from this ALL Star Artist


1 day class at Artistic Figures in Cloth & Clay