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Thursday, March 21, 2024

Patterns you never saw coming!

Everything is on schedule.

 I have a schedule and I stick to it.  If I let myself get distracted nothing gets finished. To keep to this promise if I wanted to start a new art project I needed to complete one of the 3 projects I have started. 

I like to know hard a soft sculpture is to make before turning it to a pattern. I make art sculptures ranging from advanced level to beginner. I love making both for the challenge and just for fun. It is not practical to make a pattern so complex it is frustrating. I would prefer to teach the complex pieces so I have hands on and demo.  My preference is to construct patterns that are fun to make and easy to understand the instructions.  By August I had at least one doll slated for a pattern.

By September I realized I needed some art work on my table that anyone could afford. Not much time left I needed something fast.  I had got so caught finishing work for the show that most of the items on my table were  mid price to expensive. Most of my show pieces are labor intense.  I sketched out some small pieces and got to work.

Hawk Eye

I never thought these 

Odd Fellows would be sold out!

I need something for 3 seasons. I quickly sketched out a simple body then drew up four different heads. With  Halloween, Christmas and Merry Krampus show coming up I needed  Merry and Scary! Since I  set up my booth up "Naughty and Nice". Once the faces were done they came to life. 

 I knew I had to make this into a pattern. Each one was adorable in their own way and so easy and fun to make. Once I started making them I couldn't stop.  I make 25 of each of them, that was 100 little 6 inch dolls in 2 weeks!  I thought for sure this would be enough for all 3 shows.   I sold them like crazy and only had one or two left of each after the first show. 

You guessed it I made another 25 of each for the next show. 

I honestly never saw this pattern coming!  

 After the shows I put the Goth Doll pattern to one side and started on these little Odd Fellows. The originals were 6 inches tall.  This pattern includes both 6 inches and 8 inch Odd Fellows.  It might not seem that 2 inches could be that different in turning.  The extra 2 inches gives you more room to turn the pieces right side out and easier to stuff.  So if this is the first time working small 8 inches is a good place to start.

    I've never talked about my pattern making.. The pattern pieces must fit exactly before the writing or illustration even begins. When sewing by myself I can make adjustments if things don't fit just right. I don't expect anyone buying one of my patterns to that. Once the pattern fits together perfect the writing begins. The step by step direction then the illustration are follow.  I send the pattern out to a accomplished pattern maker, Jodi Miller.  It is nice to have a fresh set of eyes and editor. She corrects any grammar, gives me suggestions if needed to make any directions crystal clear, and she makes the pattern.  I have been using her for years. I never want anyone to be frustrated with completing one of my patterns. What would be the fun in that? 

Find all my current patterns at:

Dollmaker's Journey easy to assess web sites.

This Pattern comes in 2 sizes 6 inch and 8 inch tall.  

All my new and revised patterns are sold through Dollmakers Journey. They offer them with a easy PDF down load or printed. Available easy to purchase and download on their old web site, new web site and Etsy.  Addresses listed below.

Original web page: Dollmakers Journey original site

Their new web site   Cloth Dolls web site easy PDF download or printed pattern. 

Plus their Etsy site:  Dollmakers Journey Etsy site  

What pattern was suppose to be Coming?

Currently working on 3 dragons for next years show.  I work on them off and on as they take a lot of hand stitching.  My hands can only take so much but how I love to make detailed art figures.  

I made 4 Goth Dolls, for the past fall.  So when I take breaks from hand sewing I will be working on patterns. the Goth Dolls sold right away.  This suggest that it might be a pattern fabric artist would like. I'm working on the pattern the doll pattern.  Hope to have pictures of the progression of the pattern soon.  With the pattern it out by the late summer. I see a lot of goth dolls make but not so many Goth doll patterns.