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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Jean Bernard - Artist Extraordinaire

Artist Jean Bernard combines 
an artistic flair
 and a unique look to 
Art Dolls.

Creating has been a part of Jean’s life as far back as she can remember. Art is a passion she has explored in great depth, reading anything that peaked her interest.  

She has dove into techniques which has brought her to a three dimensional art form which is uniquely her own.  Her work is a calibration of many mediums and techniques.  As a result Jean’s work is always a collage of interesting elements, forms and ideas.  Please take a few minutes to enjoy yer web site.

 Jean has adapted techniques and the leaned the use of materials such as clays, plasters, paints and art mediums to create a few of her master pieces.  Her work is a collage of her combine experiences.  She says “I consider myself a mixed media artist exploring new techniques and products. Forever pushing the envelope”  

Join Jean on a journey; explore your untold stories through mixed media art.  Follow her lead or venture off into your own direction to create this 14 inch fantasy figure.  Jean encourages self expression so “Unleash Your Muse”  and step outside of the box.  Explore all the possibilities that are waiting to come out of you.

This workshop is overflowing with ideas, techniques and the use of simple products.  Jean promises the techniques learned from this class will be incorporated into your future projects. You will build an elaborate base and torso from scratch, coated with various plaster techniques.  The plaster is a great alternative to other popular compounds that dry hard and fast. So much to learn so little time. 

At Artistic Figures in Cloth & Clay Jean Bernard is teaching this dramatic art sculpture using compounds and techniques guaranteed to make the artist in you stretch your creative soul, and embrace new you a new  journey.  

To review more of this class click here.

1 comment:

  1. Love all of Jean's Creations. She's very talented and a friend. Wish I could attend AFICC this year but can't. :-(
    Everyone that takes Jean's class will have a BLAST!
